Saturday, January 17, 2009

SSG's Dealer

SSG has a drug dealer.  

Luckily he's not located too far away from her office.  So every day, in the late afternoon, SSG tip toes out of her cube.  After a quick swing by work BFF's desk, the two take off to get their respective drugs of choice.

It's all taken care of in a matter of seconds.  SSG's dealer gets her change ready the second she walks up to him.  They only deal in cash and she doesn't even know his name.

SSG and her work BFF crack up as they walk back to the office slowly, already high.  And as she sits back down at her desk, all is quiet and right with the world.

Until her coworkers hear the telltale sound that can only mean one thing ...

Co Workers:  DID YOU GET SPREES AGAIN?!  What's WITH you and those things?
SSG:  (Mouthful of Sprees)  They're soooooo gooooood maaaan.  You know you want to try one.

So tell SSG, what are you secretly (or not so secretly!) addicted to?


I Am Woody said...

Chewy Sweettarts!!

FB @ said...

Cadbury milk chocolate.

if I could buy a carton and eat them all day while reading blogs and call that socially acceptable behaviour, I would.

Fabulously Broke in the City

"Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver."

Unknown said...

Crack, heroin, smack, meth, pot...wait, can you be addicted to weed? Maybe I should find out, huh? I AM JOKING!!! I too, had a former addiction to anything sour candy...

No, for real...I am addicted to cotton, high thread count fabric.

Applebee's Shrimp, Bacon, and Spinach Salad with out the bacon, dressing, and almonds...

and of course I am severely addicted to my need/want/desire for snow...the icy kind, not illegal, narcotic kind.


Molly said...

I love Sprees, but I can't recall the last time I had one. Perhaps because of my current addiction to Trader Joe's chocolate/peppermint sandwich cookies. Just a theory.

kimmyk said...

i am addicted to starbucks vanilla almond biscotti and mcdonalds iced tea. i know classy right?

i can't help it though. i buy the biscotti by the case and when i get low and starbucks is out i damn near have a panic attack. "omg what am i gonna eat for breakfast? what's gonna be mid afternoon snack?!" serious addiction.

i think i need a 12 step program.

and as far as candy goes? i use to be highly addicted to lick-m-aids. or maybe it was just the lil candy dipper thing, but still...loved that. said...

Okie-dokie, I have a hard time saying no to anything carb-loaded, yet I think you are looking for a more hard core addiction.
That would be coffee for me. That cup o' joe in my masthead is no accident. It's serious business for me.

Rhi said...

Our receptionist has these chewy Jolly Ranchers. I have a feeling that I'll be going through jolly rancher withdrawal very, very soon. Maybe I'll have her call my new receptionist to tell her what kind of candy I like stocked in the candy dish.

Bella Della said...

Oh my gawd! Those are my FAVORITE. I used to carry them in my purse at all times. ALL times! I even used to have an inside joke with my ex about em. Funny. I do prefer the hard ones though. Mmmm. Sweet (and sour) memories.

Lys said...

I used to love those... but my crack of choice, of course, is the Ice Coffee - preferably 'bucks because the Dunkin' near me sucks ###.

Predo said...


Ah, the taste of sin!