Monday, July 7, 2008

Meanwhile, Back at the Office

You see that chair and desk up there?  Positioned just so?  Financial calculator, pen and mysterious award for something "important" at the ready?  That's my boss' stuff.  He's on day #5 of his vacation. 

No biggie, right?  Just any other day at any other bland cube farm?  No, pumpkins, no.  Can you see the tip of that shoe in the lower left hand side of the photo?  That shoe tip is called "Trouble."  This desk isn't supposed to be there.  And that wall behind the desk?  Yeah, that isn't supposed to be there either.  

"Trouble" moved the desk OUT of our boss' office and INTO the aisle.  Then he DETACHED a wall from another cubicle and REATTACHED it to where my boss' door should be.

So when Bossman comes back, he's going to march straight to his cubicle prepared to get down to business.  Only he won't be able to get in.  

But DON'T worry.  

We left his nameplate on the desk so he'll know where to sit.


Lys said...

y'all are evil - *LOL* my boss would shoot me if I even THOUGHT of doing that *LOL*

Big Hair Envy said...

Sounds like you have formulated the perfect plan to prevent your boss from EVER taking another vacation! (Insert evil laugh!) said...

Tell trouble, I need to borrow him for a bit. I got projects...

Anonymous said...

Mischievous little rascal, you are..., my goodness. Is this a possible new career?