Tuesday, June 10, 2008

40% is Like, Really Bad, Right?

So I stumbled upon this article today.   And while all along, I've thought I'm a pretty good single chick, this article?  Makes me rethink that stance.  I think I might be a "bad single."  I have FOUR of these items.  Care to venture a guess as to which ones?

This will be a short post as I need to obviously get my behind down to the store for earplugs and condoms, find someone who has Nikon or Cannon that can make me look fabulous (Are you there Pioneer Woman or Posie?  It's me, SSG.), stash some Cosmopolitan magazines circa 2001 in the bathroom, buy (gasp) an (gasp) Eminem (hurl) CD and practice the pick up line "Do you work at Subway?  Because you just gave me a footlong."  Oh wait!  That's supposed to be the dude's line.

Perhaps I have more to learn than originally thought ...


Lys said...

I dunno - earplugs?? *LOL* seriously - what a ad plug, no?

I've got about 6 and Eminem CD... nope. Sorry. Then again, if a guy told me he liked Eminem, I might look at him like he's missing a screw or three.

HalfAsstic.com said...

Oh dear. Ya need to stay home and work on that for a while I'm thinking. I didn't know people even still used pickup lines... I am so freakin old...

Anonymous said...

I kind of want to stick a fork in Amy Spencer's eye. I'm gagging. Seriously. This is what I need in my "How-To-Catch-A-Man" arsenal??? Hmm, well then, I choose to be alone.