Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Ok, see this?

You CAN NOT drive on this.  Trust SSG.  She just tried.  And slid down her hill backwards.  In slow motion.  With her eye on a parked BMW she was about to hit. 

The two messages she just left:

#1:  "Hi Boss (in tears) ohmaigah I just slid down my hill backwards and am parked in an apartment parking lot and it's so icy.  I'm okay and my car is okay but I don't think I'm going to be to work today or ever again because it's going to snow for FOREVER.  Either that or you're going to fire me.  Please don't fire me."

#2:  "Hi apartment complex at the end of the icy hill I just slid backwards down.  I had to park in your lot so I don't DIE.  Please don't tow me.  I promise to come get my car the next time it thaws, which will be ... NEVER."

But ice cubes do go well in this ...

Which is exactly what SSG needs to keep her hands from shaking.  

(P.S.  Luckily SSG did not hit the BMW.  But she's pretty sure she gave a construction crew the laughter they needed this morning.)


Big Hair Envy said...

OMG!! Glad to know you and your car (and the Beemer) are alright. SCARY!!!!

Too bad you didn't get iced in over at Predo's house. I hear he is quite the host:)

Bella Della said...

You get a big FAT A for effort. Now, again stay inside where it is safe. Do you need me to send supplies?

Lys said...

OK - Fisher and Rainey better be mixin' up more than ONE Lemon Drop right quick...

Seeing this has convinced me to live in Florida - FOREVER!

Rhi said...

You so deserve a cocktail. I also deserve a cocktail for NOT HITTING THAT PEDESTRIAN (who was so not paying attention, and maybe deserved to get hit just a teensy bit for not being aware of her surroundings).

Bella Della said...

My brother made me that lamp a few Christmases ago. It is indeed a wine bottle. Isn't it cool? I will check to see if makes wine beds. He is cute and single- something could be arranged- haha!

Cool Breeze said...

Poor one for me. I'll slide by shortly.

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear about your horrible, no good, very bad day and I am sending you a warm hug. It was 73 degrees here in Virginia yesterday!

Lawdy, lawdy....I miss you so...you always put a BIG smile on my face!

HalfAsstic.com said...

Well, aren't you the thoughtful one! Giving giggles to the construction workers! Call Predo to come haul you out of the pit of despair, er, parking lot and go have a lemondrop!

Anonymous said...

Dood!! I did not work today either. I am in SE PDX and we've got snow comin' out our ears! I am rather guilt-ridden about not working today. Very conflicted. But then, I catch ER reruns and I don't feel so bad.

Auntie Peep

Molly said...

Eeek. Can't imagine how rattled you must have been. Glad you're okay.

Predo said...

Life-Flight would not deliver Lemon Drops! What? Don't they understand!

A big Hug to you my Darling!