Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What to Do? What to Do?

So SSG has had this table kicking around her garage for some time now.

(Don't mind the pile of stuff behind it that needs to go to the Salvation Army.)

It's going to eventually reside in her kitchen. Just once she narrows down what color to paint it.

What do you think internets?

  • Red
  • Red Chairs and a White Table
  • Granny Smith Apple Green
  • GS Apple Green Chairs & a White Table
  • Chocolate Brown
Halp! SSG needs you!

(Edited to Add: Thanks for your input everyone! I'll show you the final results. Just right after SSG gets around to painting. So sometime in 2012.)


Bella Della said...

I need some time to think this over, meditate on it for a bit. I will get back to you ;)

HalfAsstic.com said...

What color is the rest of the kitchen?

I Am Woody said...

Do you have to paint it? I kinda like it the way it is.

Molly said...

I never was good at multiple choice, therefore I say turquoise or coral.

Unknown said...

Go with the green...definitely. You will not be sorry.

Lys said...

I'm more of a fan of the chocolate brown but, like HalfAsstic asks, color of the kitchen might be necessary to make an informed color choice. However the red has a za za zu factor, no?

ab said...

My friend painted her room sour apple green and it looks awesome. I say go with that on the chairs. Then you can do something like chocolate brown place mats or napkins or something to coordinate.

mom x 2 said...

I think I would have to know the other colors of the kitchen, but I am partial to the Green. Of course chocolate brown would pop in a white kitchen.

I can't wait to see what you decide !

Molly said...

dear ssg: i am pea green with envy that you can go to orangette's restaurant. pea. green. the pickles turned out yummy.