Saturday, April 4, 2009

Stop It Right Now

SSG is up early this morning to go on a hike.

But then these two had to go and do this.

And SSG can't take her eyes off of how ADORABLE they are.
So she sat down for a second too.

And now it's hard to get up.

Sunny spring weekends are best enjoyed from indoors, right?

I thought so.


Unknown said...

Awwww...that is really adorable. Yes, I wouldn't move either!

Molly said...

I love sibling snuggling! I'm having a hard time getting going too...but it's the first farmer's market and the lamp has to be taken to the repair place. Onward and upward...or something.

Rhi said...

I can't wait until my cat starts sunbathing by the windows. It's my very favorite thing ever.

Actually, second favorite thing. First favorite is wine tasting on sunny days like today.

Predo said...

Oh, I so agree!!!! Don't they look delicious!!

Lys said...

That is so cute!

I wish that the evil one and the pug would do that. For now, they are still "having issues".